
Taniumのリスクアセスメント: 5 Days to a Comprehensive Score for Your Organization’s IT Security

Assess the risk of all your endpoints against multiple vectors — vulnerabilities, threats, compliance, patch status, sensitive data and susceptibility to large-scale breach patterns


The threat of cyberattacks has never been greater. They can strike at any time, taking advantage of the slightest gap in an organization’s cyber defenses. The results might include ransomware that freezes operations, a data breach that leaks customer data or valuable intellectual property, and lost revenue totaling millions of dollars.

Despite all their investments in IT security products and services, most companies have no comprehensive, systematic way of assessing their overall cyber risk. They might know that they’ve deployed new firewalls, patched a collection of web servers, and upgraded their executive team to the latest laptops. But if you ask them to characterize or summarize their risk, they’re stumped. They can probably tell you what makes them feel confident or nervous, but beyond these gut reactions to this or that IT investment, they lack any kind of concrete assessment of their overall risk.

What companies are lacking and desperately need is a risk summary — a comprehensive risk score that tells them how exposed or secure they really are at any point in time. Ideally this risk summary or score would show companies whether their security practices are improving or degrading. It will also compare your organization to others in the same market.

Unfortunately, arriving at such a score is difficult. Companies can ask various vendors for help. Their network vendors will offer insights into network strengths and weaknesses. Firewall vendors can talk about how porous or secure the network perimeter is. But if a company wants to understand the threats affecting every endpoint in its organization — every laptop, desktop, server, IoT device, and so on — well, that kind of summary is almost impossible to find.

Until now.

Watch this To the Point video with Tanium’s Yaron Regev as he explains why it’s critical for organizations to understand their risk score and how the Tanium Risk Assessment works.

How the Tanium Risk Assessment works

To address this need for insights into risk, Tanium offers the Tanium Risk Assessment. This is a free, five-day assessment powered by Tanium Cloud.* Tanium monitors and analyzes your global IT infrastructure in action, analyzes risks across that infrastructure, and delivers a detailed, actionable summary that IT and business users can use for immediately addressing important security shortfalls.

Setting up the Tanium Risk Assessment service is quick and easy. It typically requires just five hours of engagement with a company’s IT organization. Most of that work is completed on the first day. Once NDAs are signed, Tanium securely connects its Tanium Cloud services to your organization’s IT infrastructure and analyzes endpoints across all your networks, including endpoints on premises, in the cloud, and in remote locations such as employee home offices. It then monitors network activity, discovers and analyzes patch status, suspicious traffic patterns, and other vulnerabilities, and compiles a comprehensive report complete with an overall risk score. The Tanium Risk Score is a three-digit score, essentially a credit score for your organization’s cyber defenses.

The report provides clear direction for IT organizations to address key vulnerabilities and security weaknesses. It also highlights strengths, giving management teams confidence in the security investments they’ve made so far. Finally, the report compares your organization to your industry peers, so you can get a sense of how likely a determined attacker would be to succeed at targeting you along with your peers.

How to sign up for the Tanium risk assessment

The risk assessment and report are provided without obligation. Share the report with your IT organization and executive team as you like. For a follow-up report, contact Tanium again. Or to benefit from this type of analysis on an ongoing basis, consider adopting the Tanium Platform for 24/7/365 risk analysis and threat prevention.

Get started by requesting your comprehensive Tanium Risk Assessment today.

*Support for on-premises customers available





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